I was really impressed with your talk and inspired by your confidence and success. In this fast paced rat race, you have proved that manners still count and friendship is the grounds for any type of relationship – personal or professional.
~ Ellie Luk.
Thank you for coming into the UBS office last week to speak to our HR team about the importance of networking. I’ve heard several other speakers discuss this topic in the past, but I really felt your approach and information were relevant and immediately applicable. The format of the session was fun while also giving us a chance to implement the suggestions you recommended. Overall, it was a great session and I hope it has an impact on the way myself and my colleagues network in the future.
~ Renee Conklin , UBS Hong Kong
The feedback from the participants was very good, they said that they found it valuable to them and that they would be able to implement in their own behavior. So it was really appreciated.
~Ingrun Alsleben, Chief Financial Officer , Bayer Group Companies in Hong Kong
The seminar was surely a successful one. Your training was both interesting and practical. The excellent part was the Q&A, the quality questions received quality answers. You are a very elegant and respectable lady with gracious smiles and sparkling eyes. The best business etiquette course that I have ever attended. I still keep that page of highlight about etiquette at my desk.
~ Kathy Wu , Senior Marketing Officer , Yantian International Container Terminals Ltd.
I would like also to thank you a lot for this conference which was very interesting. I learned many things, which could appear as common sense things, but need to be said again and again. I really want thank you for this conference and your smile during the whole conference.
~ Hamdi Guezguez , Sales Asia manager , PØ Scandex
Today’s session is indeed a very pleasant and fruitful one. To this, I have to say “THANK YOU VERY MUCH”! I am sure that what I have learned from you today would surely be very helpful to me in any business social functions which I will take part in the future.
~ TAM Kwok Luen, Kelvin , Head of Enterprise Accounting & Reporting, Bayer Group Companies