Is your personal space in the office adorned with fluffy toys? Last year’s Christmas cards? Do you have three pairs of shoes peeking out from under your desk? Hand creams, body lotions, half eaten packets of crisps, half dead plants lurking about? Is your deck covered in bits of […]
Read more →Everyone has a story like this. The colleague who wolfs down his lunch, talking as he/she eats, spraying everyone with bits of food. The colleague who had terrible body odour. The colleague who would turn up for client meetings smelling as he/she had eaten handfuls of garlic for […]
Read more →Think before you drink. By Lau Kit-wai After drinking a few glasses of red wine, young executives having fun at an office Christmas party may commit indiscretions such as getting too emotional or telling their bosses what they really think of them. Alice Kaushal, an expert in […]
Read more →Knowledge stops culture clash By Remo Notarianni Effective cross-cultural understanding is essential when conducting business in a city as cosmopolitan as Hong Kong. “Because of Hong Kong’s history as a trade port, its workforce has probably been exposed to international influences more than many other places in […]
Read more →The top 10 Dining Etiquette tips Table manners stand out as the single most important benchmark of etiquette. The reality is this- probably because of the proximity to each other, people seem to notice mistakes made at the table much more critically than they do in […]
Read more →We love our smartphones, don’t we….. they make our lives so much easier. Answering an email when we are on the bus saves us so much time. There are pitfalls though…. they seem create a sense of urgency that is sometimes unnecessary. While you are creating that […]
Read more →Yesterday, I said goodbye to a friend of mine who is leaving Hong Kong for Australia. I met Susan in 2007, and I was immediately struck by her sense of fun, her wonderful values and her sense of adventure. We thoroughly enjoyed each others company. But, get […]
Read more →On 21 September 2010, Jane Horan and I spoke to some 200 plus audience in the Career Buildig Seminar organised SCMP, sponsored by us at Speakers Connect and BlackBerry. Below is the coverage at SCMP Classified Post. Benefits of positive politics Mention office politics and thoughts often turn to behind-the-scenes manipulation […]
Read more →A few snapshots of me and Jane Horan speaking at SCMP Career Building Seminar on 21 Sep 2010, “How to Influence Your Way to the Top”. The event attracted some 200 attendance (despite the rain and the holiday mood…) and got tremendous feedback! Alice speaking on the Why and How of networking […]
Read more →I was delighted to be interviewed by SCMP Classified Post on “How to Influence Your Way to the Top”. Below is the article In building a successful career, academic and professional qualifications are recognised as important fundamentals. But communication skills, networking competence and how to influence others can […]
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